I decided to make myself an OMSP shelf to kill two birds with one stone: I LOVE clutter, but I hate having to use lots of individual OMSPs, and sometimes they (and the 9 & 0 keys) never quite reach the right height. Requirements and download instructions under the cut. Fatima from Del Sol Valley “Singles” household finally gets to have a real hijab Fixed missing hot/cold weather outfits for three households Updated all community and residential lots in Glimmerbrook & Magic Realm

72 new townie families (all with skills, careers, relationships, & stories)

Renovated versions of the worst of the EA houses (the iconic ones remain!) Renovated versions of every EA community lot I went in and renovated every community lot, filled every empty lot with new homes and locations, and created new CC free townies to fill every empty house in the game. My Simsie Save is officially updated for Realm of Magic! You can blame my grandma, but this pack came out right as I was leaving to visit her and then the builds took me forever to fix once I got back. SIMSIE’S STARTER SAVE FILE VERSION 8.0 DOWNLOAD